
Report Winter Outreach 2024 Romania


Report Winter Outreach 2024 Romania

In those circumstances, our team comes to visit. With a van, with bags full of food. With hot coffee,and hot crispbread. With music, with love. People ask if we want to pray. Pain, distress and sadness come up. Prayer requires faith... because what do we ourselves have to give, when even the basic needs for these dear people are not self-evident?

We pray, we bless, we pronounce the name of Jesus on the people, the children. We have seen miracles, a woman who had been lying on the bed for ages with severe pains on the right side of her body, she felt the pain leave, and began to move her arms... pain free! She stood and walked! What a joy on that face! Thank You Jesus! She even came out later to wave the team off.

We danced and played with the children, lovely to hear their laughter!

We were allowed to pray for a boy who was in bad shape after being struck by lightning. His heart was disordered and parts of his body numb. While praying, he experienced that his heart calmed down and his deaf body began to tingle! We don't know how it is now. As you read this, join in the prayer that God will show his greatness to this boy! There is hope and hope in his life.

What is written on Hans ' retina is that a woman came up to him and said: Please save me! save me! Hans was touched by the sadness and despair she radiated. He told her that he could not save her, but that Jesus saved her for eternity and that if she calls on Jesus she will be saved!! (ROM.10:13 ..and all who call on Jesus he has given power to become children of God) they did so together, she cried out to Jesus to save her and come into her life. Her face shone through her tears! There was such deep peace and joy about her..

God's love drives out fear. It's in the Bible, and we actually see it happen. People crave God's love and are so open to receiving it. In one of the mountain villages, at least half of the people and children gave their lives to Jesus. How will they know when no one tells them?

This was in one of the cottages we built last summer. What a reunion!

In addition to visiting the mountain villages, we were allowed to speak in many Roma churches, give testimonies, lead worship, and pray and prophesy about the people as a team. We ourselves are blessed by the beautiful churches. People are also deeply touched by the beautiful violin playing. Music can also be healing... it transcends any language barrier! God knows exactly what everyone needs. We were therefore not surprised that people start crying, because God knows exactly the place that one needs in his own process. The Holy Spirit has given a great deal of restoration, affirmation, and encouragement, convincing people of sin or of the fact that they need God. And we were allowed to move along as a team, comfort, pray, hug, prophesy... whatever was needed. Thanks to the wonderful team too, who moved flawlessly in what God was doing. Our gratitude to God is great, and our love for the Roma population only grown!


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